Sales Invoice
Vita E-Invoicing allows you to create and print error-free e‑invoices with all the mandatory fields. The transactions are preemptively validated during invoice creation to identify violations, incorrect data entry, and missing mandatory fields. You can push invoices and their associated notes to the ZATCA portal in bulk for authentication. Your transactions will be authenticated and e-invoices ready within seconds.
URL : https://{{Host-Name}}/api/services/app/Einvoice/generateInvoice
Method : Post
Request Headers
accessToken | String | Access tokens are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. The application receives an access token after a user successfully authenticates and authorizes access, then passes the access token as a credential when it calls the target API. |
Request Parameters
"generateDraft": false,
"invoiceNumber": "212350",
"issueDate": "2023-06-30 00:00:00.000",
"dateOfSupply": "2023-06-30 00:00:00.000",
"invoiceCurrencyCode": "EUR",
"currencyCodeOriginatingCountry": "SA",
"purchaseOrderId": "12312121",
"billingReferenceId": "15151432",
"latestDeliveryDate": "2023-06-30 00:00:00.000",
"AccountName": "Saudi Arabian Glass Co. Ltd.",
"AccountNumber": "0471040122",
"IBAN": "SA5655000000004710400122",
"BankName": "Banque Saudi Fransi",
"SwiftCode": "BSFRSARI",
"BranchName": "Jeddah Souk Branch",
"BranchAddress": "P O Box 7888, Jeddah 21472, SAUDI ARABIA",
"InvoiceNotes": "Test B2B Std Inv",
"AdditionalData1": [
"exchangeRate": 1
"additionalData2": [],
"location": "JEDDAH",
"customerId": "556",
"status": "OP",
"paymentType": "45 NET",
"Supplier": [
"RegistrationName": "Hussain Saleh Al Salah Est.",
"VATID": "300789292500003",
"GroupVATID": null,
"CRNumber": "4030126297",
"OtherID": null,
"CustomerId": null,
"Type": null,
"FaxNo": "6040702",
"Website": "",
"Address": {
"Street": "Al Wurud Dist.",
"AdditionalStreet": "",
"BuildingNo": "2222",
"AdditionalNo": "6300",
"City": "Jeddah",
"PostalCode": "23221",
"State": "",
"Neighbourhood": null,
"CountryCode": "SA",
"Type": null,
"Language": null,
"AdditionalData1": []
"ContactPerson": {
"Name": null,
"EmployeeCode": null,
"ContactNumber": "966505355760",
"GovtId": null,
"Email": null,
"Address": null,
"Location": null,
"Type": null,
"Language": null,
"AdditionalData1": []
"Language": null,
"AdditionalData1": []
"Buyer": [
"RegistrationName": "Nouf Nadeeem Saad Al Nadwi ",
"VATID": "300789292500003",
"GroupVATID": null,
"CRNumber": null,
"OtherID": null,
"CustomerId": "3009679",
"Type": "Buyer",
"FaxNo": null,
"Website": null,
"Address": {
"Street": "705 Saud Al Faisal Street 1234 Jeddah Al Khalidiyah ",
"AdditionalStreet": null,
"BuildingNo": null,
"AdditionalNo": null,
"City": "Jeddah ",
"PostalCode": "21455",
"State": "ALkhobar",
"Neighbourhood": ".",
"CountryCode": "SA",
"Type": "Buyer",
"Language": "EN",
"AdditionalData1": []
"ContactPerson": {
"Name": "Nouf ",
"EmployeeCode": null,
"ContactNumber": "567896545678",
"GovtId": null,
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Address": null,
"Location": null,
"Type": "Buyer",
"Language": null,
"AdditionalData1": []
"Language": "EN",
"AdditionalData1": []
"RegistrationName": "Nouf Nadeeem Saad Al Nadwi ",
"VATID": "",
"GroupVATID": null,
"CRNumber": null,
"OtherID": null,
"CustomerId": "3009679",
"Type": "Buyer",
"FaxNo": null,
"Website": null,
"Address": {
"Street": "705 Saud Al Faisal Street 1234 Jeddah Al Khalidiyah ",
"AdditionalStreet": "",
"BuildingNo": "",
"AdditionalNo": null,
"City": "Jeddah ",
"PostalCode": "21455",
"State": "ALkhobar",
"Neighbourhood": "",
"CountryCode": "Saudi Arabia",
"Type": "Buyer",
"Language": "AR",
"AdditionalData1": []
"ContactPerson": null,
"Language": "AR",
"AdditionalData1": []
"invoiceTypeCode": "388",
"items": [
"identifier": "Sales",
"name": "wer",
"description": "wrewer",
"quantity": 1,
"uom": "PC",
"unitPrice": 2112,
"discountPercentage": 10,
"discountAmount": 211.2,
"netPrice": 1900.80,
"vatRate": 15,
"vatCode": "S",
"vatAmount": 285.12,
"lineAmountInclusiveVAT": 2185.92,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"isOtherCharges": false
"invoiceSummary": {
"netInvoiceAmount": 2112,
"netInvoiceAmountCurrency": "EUR",
"sumOfInvoiceLineNetAmount": 1900.8,
"totalAmountWithoutVAT": 1900.8,
"totalAmountWithoutVATCurrency": "EUR",
"totalVATAmount": 285.12,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"totalAmountWithVAT": 2185.92,
"paidAmountCurrency": "EUR",
"payableAmountCurrency": "EUR",
"additionalData1": []
"vatDetails": [
"taxSchemeId": "203333",
"vatCode": "S",
"vatRate": 15,
"excemptionReasonCode": null,
"excemptionReasonText": null,
"taxableAmount": 285.12,
"taxAmount": 0,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
200 – Success
"invoiceId": 0,
"invoiceNumber": "string",
"uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"qrCodeUrl": "string",
"pdfFileUrl": "string",
"xmlFileUrl": "string"
401 – Unauthorized
"result": null,
"targetUrl": null,
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": 0,
"message": "Current user did not login to the application!",
"details": null,
"validationErrors": null
"unAuthorizedRequest": true,
"__abp": true
400 – Bad Request
"ValidationResults": {
"Errors": [
"ErrorCode": "BR-02",
"ErrorMessage": "An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1)."
"ErrorCode": "BR-KSA-04",
"ErrorMessage": "The document issue date (BT-2)must be less or equal to thecurrent date"
"Message": "Validation error occured",
"Status": "FAILED"